Monday 19 August 2013

FFXIV ARR Beta Phase 4

Today was the end of the open beta for FFXIV A Realm Reborn. A sad day, as I was thoroughly enjoying my adventures through Eorzea with Sean -

What I achieved:

I leveled my Lancer to 20, my Pugilist to 17 and Leatherworking to 8. I spent countless hours lost trying to find Sean and running towards a fate only to see the message *Fate Completed*. I also participated in a guild event!! (

I could write for months and months about the adventures we had but as they say, a picture says a thousand words.

Hope you enjoy these screenshots as much I enjoyed taking them!

First screenshot of Phase 4, hello me!

Lily Mae and Ratha XIV

Erm yeah, so Xena want to grab a drink?

Walking outside New Gridania for the first time

Lily and I before we embarked on slaying a hundred ladybugs

Our first of many Fates


This item set was a real head turner

Lily and I again around level 10

Pugilist level 10

Enjoying the scenery

My sexy Purple gimp outfit making a second appearance

Run my beauty run

No matter what the weather, there was always a smile on my face

Chilling in Ul'dah

Guild event

/bow /cheer /clap

Another even pic


My favorite spell, Piercing Talon

Peter Smith, Ready? Water traps, Ready? Traps win...

Hmm nice Egg! Oh hello Lily!

Horny Toad!

Towards the end of our story quest in Gridania

Holding hands, sunset, giant polearm...what more could one ask for!


Goodbye till next !

I can not describe how excited I am for next weekend and the future this game holds!